Section 1 – Easel Painting Award
1st Place $1000
Winning Artist: Leo Alexander Scott
Title of Work: Self Portrait Among Objects
The complex patterns and accumulation of objects around the central self portrait are well realised. Gives the whole work a vibrancy and great energy. Enjoyed the interaction and collusions between the various face elements, not unlike a collage.
Highly Commended $350
Artist: Carmen Beezley-Drake
Title of Work: Capricorn Landscape
Enjoyed especially the rhythmic use of the brushed paint handling. Enjoyed especially the sense of the true essence of that particular landscape. The immediacy and notational aspect of the work was most appealing.
Commended $150
Artist: Margaret Burgess
Title of Work: Finding Balance
Wonderfully poetic work – the naïve style perfectly evokes the subject and use of the intense blue that pervades the whole image is very effective.
Special Mention:
Artist: Robyn Gray Title of Work: View from Hanging Rock
Artist: Jet James Title of Work: Minds abyss
Artist: Judi Wynne Title of Work: Up North
Artist: Joe Faust Title of Work: The long way Home
Artist: Carol Bell Title of Work: Night Market
Artist: Jo Mitchell Title of Work: Secrets
Artist: Sharon Drew Title of Work: Mt Pleasant